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Top Tips to beat those crafty cravings :-)

One topic that crops up time and time again with many of my clients is that of the dreaded cravings.  Often a  regular monthly occurence, these crafty cravings can derail even the best laid fat loss plan!

There actually is a physical component to cravings.

Often before a period one of the major cravings is for chocolate.  Chocolate contains magnesium which  the body has an increased demand for at this time of the month and which is often low anyway. High magnesium foods include dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, fish, beans, whole grains, avocados, yogurt, bananas, dried fruit and dark chocolate  Another great reason to eat or drink your greens!  For more information on monthly cravings click here

The types of foods we usually turn to in times of stress — carbohydrates like cookies, cakes, chips — help the brain release a chemical called serotonin, which temporarily makes you feel really good.

But that doesn’t mean your body physically needs the food. Nor will it fulfill you. These emotionally driven cravings are rarely satisfied, no matter how much you eat.
With that in mind, take a look at how things have been going for you lately. It might even help to write down what you’re doing before a sweets craving hits.

That can help you pick up on patterns.
Do you think you could be using sweets to soothe your frazzled nerves? If so, see if you can come up with an alternative to snacking. Call a friend, take a hot bath, or take a walk instead.

Some other ideas that may be helpful

1# Get moving. 
Exercise gives you a natural serotonin hit so take a walk/run/swim/cycle or whatever you enjoy that makes you feel good.

2# Eat your protein.
Ensure you eat protein at all of your meals, especially breakfast. Protein keeps you full and stops those roller coaster blood sugar levels that get you craving a sugar fix.

3#  Ditch the fake/diet sugars. 
These mess with your body chemistry and the more SWEET you eat, the more sweet you will crave.

4# Drink water. 
Sometimes we mistake being slightly dehydrated as a hunger signal.  Have a large glass of water and get into the habit of taking regular sips throughout the day.

5# Check you caffeine intake. 
Too much caffeine can lower your bodies serotonin levels over a period of time.  Substitute with herbal teas or water if you find yourself  frequently reaching for a cuppa.
6# Are you getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep?
When you’re sleepy, you may be using high-carb, high-sugar foods to act as a pick-me-up. And you simply do not have the good judgment you would have had if you had enjoyed a decent nights sleep. So before you know it, you’re down to the bottom of the ice cream tub.
And you’re still tired!
Sleep also has a hand in controlling hunger hormones like ghrelin and leptin. So sleep deprivation can lead to those sugar cravings.

It again all boils down to balancing hormones and blood sugar levels which in turn goes back to the foods that we put into our bodies.  Low fat, high sugar “fake foods”  only make matters worse, creating havoc with your hormones!

If you need any help my Simple Slimming Solution programme will give you all the information that you need to cut through all the dietary pit falls once and for all along with tons of motivation and support.. 

You can work through it with me on a 1-2-1 or  small personal training group (maximum 4  ladies) or at a weekly class so contact me today to get started.

Check out some of the results from happy clients who have and are still using my  SSS programme 

“Forget WeightWatchers, throw your Slimming World magazines in the bin and as for the gym – save your money!  Marie has the experience to be able to develop a programme that is unique to you and your lifestyle which will help you shed weight without ridiculous diets.
Having recently retired, my husband and I bought a motorhome and the thought of spending months on the road, munching my way through mountains of food and wine, was beginning to make me panic that my weight would spiral out of control. Marie devised a twice-weekly fitness programme for me to do whilst we were travelling that enabled me to lose weight – without dieting but making a few simple changes!
I’ve spent years in the gym doing so much cardiovascular work, which has never made any difference to my weight, but one month on Marie’s programme, at home, saw a loss of 6lbs.
I really can’t recommend Marie highly enough, she’s saved me money, she’s saved me time (travelling to and from the gym) plus she’s made me fitter and slimmer so I can spend my retirement travelling without any concerns about my waistline.”


I gained 4 stone over my second pregnancy and felt unfit and uncomfortable in my own skin.  I turned to Marie because I knew she wasn’t a gimmick or a quick fix, I could trust her.  She personalised a fitness plan tailored to my fitness level (or lack thereof!)  Alongside this plan I followed her Simple Slimming Solution which although thorough and detailed was simple to follow, even with two hungry children.  I lost over a stone in 2 months (and this was over Christmas) but I consider her plan a ‘plan for life’ so I’ll be sticking with her guidelines even when I’ve reached my goal weight.  Thank you Marie!


I arranged to do a personal training course 1:1 with Marie as I have a big event coming up and wanted to look my best instead of a frumpy blob.
I liked the fact that when we first met she explained that my own mindset  was just as important, if not more so than any exercise or food plan that she could give me as weight loss is about so much more than the numbers.
And so my journey began.
As Marie had said at the start, the first couple of weeks are  usually the easiest as motivation is high. My enthusiasm did wane after 2 or 3 weeks but having already completed some mindset exercises I was prepared.
Walking was my main exercise to help me lose weight as I had just got a dog so there was no excuse as I had to take him for a walk.
Then there were the food diaries.. oh my god what a shock – I don’t eat well…. Ok I do prepare my meals from scratch but my portion sizes were big.  My snacking, that 4 – 6pm slump needed addressing and actually when you are writing everything down you can see how all those bits and pieces actually do add up!  I haven’t had to make major changes, just tweaks here and there but amazingly I did begin to lose weight – this really spurned me on.
I am not a saint – chocolate doesn’t do it for me but I do eat cakes and biscuits/crisps.  Not so much now though!
So, what did I learn on my quest to lose weight?  My head rules my mood which influences my approach to food.  Somedays I am reckless – can’t be bothered or think it doesn’t matter. Other days I am more focused – I tell myself I can do it –  but I must work hard at it – tell myself over and over it will be worth it.
Friends and family help as you begin to change shape and they see the progress you are making. “My God your looking good” or “You’ve lost weight, you can really notice it”. This really helps if you can’t see it yourself.  I am my own worst enemy I sabotage myself all the time but I now recognize this and am addressing it!
Marie has always been so positive too.
If you are not in the right frame of mind you won’t lose weight.  If like me it ebbs and flows Marie is always on hand to offer encouragement, positive affirmations and the belief that you  really can do it.
I’m still on my journey but have lost almost 2 stone in weight and can recognise that I am slimmer, fitter and the demons in my head whilst not all gone don’t have such a strong hold over me.
You can do it and Marie Johns will help you get there.


Hope this is helpful.:-)  If you have any questions or queries for me just hit REPLY and send me a message here or on my Facebook page

Have a happy, healthy and active week

Marie  🙂 x